March 23, 2013

A Long Overdue Update

Hey everyone!

Recently, I have had a few folks ask if I am still doing any photography because they have not seen any new posts from Simply Yours in a while.

The truth is, while I still have all of my equipment, my software, and my desire to be creative...I found it difficult to juggle my home life and my photography business last year.  My three boys needed their mommy and I decided to take some time off when 2012 ended.

I intended to be a bit more active, at least more informative, than I have been so far in 2013.  I was able to get some cute pictures of a long time client...sweet Cameron, but that has been my only session of late.  Unfortunately, the first few months of the new year were a roller-coaster at our house.  The whole family was laid low with the stomach bug, my middle son was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder, and my youngest son got tubes in his ears after a long string of back to back infections.

With everything going on I have simply been somewhat out of the loop on the photography side of things.  I am finally beginning to get back in a normal groove and while I have absolutely loved being a wife and a mommy with no business related distractions, I miss the joy of capturing special moments in the lives of my friends and clients.

So...I am looking to ease back into some photography and I wanted to see if there was some interest out there for a few full or mini sessions in April and May, maybe even a tea party?

If you want to be a part of this revitalization of Simply Yours Photography, leave me a comment and I will be in touch to talk more!

Thanks for all of your love and support!

Image taken by Sugar Snap Photography